Tuesday, April 28, 2020

10 Simple Tips For Healthy Cooking

By Chef Stacy Maple

Simple tips to make your everyday meals healthier and tastier!

USE SMART FATS:  Opt for unsaturated fats like olive oil over saturated fats like butter.  But still use them in moderation because all fats are loaded with calories

EAT UNREFINED GRAINS:  Pick whole grains over refined grains.  Whole grains have their bran intact and thus have more fiber, vitamins and minerals.

EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN A RAINBOW OF COLORS: Pick produce in a variety of colors to get range of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

EAT SMALL AMOUNTS OF LEAN MEATS:  Meat is a great source of protein but it’s a large source of saturated fats. Choose lean meats like fish and poultry. Fill the rest of your plate with fruits and vegetables

CHOOSE LOW FAT DAIRY:  Dairy is a good source of calcium.  Replacing whole milk or full fat dairy products with low fat or non-fat is an easy way to cut saturated fats.

KEEP PORTIONS REASONABLE:  Controlling weight really comes down to calories.  One of the easiest ways to cut calories is by eating healthy portions

LIMIT SUGARS: All sugars contain significant calories without any real nutritive value

KEEP AN EYE ON SODIUM:  USDA’s dietary guidelines recommend consuming less than 2300 mg (about 1 teaspoon) daily

ENHANCE FLAVOR:  Use healthy ingredients with bold flavors to enhance flavors like fresh herbs, spices and citrus.

BE MINDFUL AND ENJOY:  Make conscious food choices.  Make sure it’s something delicious and savor it.  When we enjoy what we eat, we feel satisfied.

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